Monday, June 1, 2009

The (hopefully) FINAL Magazine Reflection

Since I started writing both my papers, the both got much greater in detail, and by the time I was through, they answered the question "So what?" a lot better. After a lot of copy editing, I managed to cut through the clutter and get straight to my point. Facts first, details later. That would probably sum up my number one change of mind over the course of this project. Although I have two strong final drafts, they could always be better. If I were to start off knowing what I know now, and came to class with a first draft like the final draft I have now, then by the time I was done, it could be even more perfected, and the techniques I applied could be further used to refine my work. I learned that in writing, less is more, and that I only have a few precious words to get my point out there, so I can't use my words sparingly. Each one needs to count. I also learned the difference between a concert sentence and a pancake sentence, and what I can do to keep my sentences and paragraphs from becoming pancakes.

As for the magazine itself, I had almost ignored the fact that I had to make a spread until the last minute. I will know next time that I need to analyze what each of my tasks are going to be, and how long they are going to take me. I have always been afraid to tamper with in design, but this project forced me to do just that. So, I had to work with a program I was not comfortable with. However, I feel as though I made a very good looking spread, that blends with the rest of the magazine, but also has the ability to stand out on it's own. Also, now I will know what to do the next time I need to work with in design. I might be able to make a more complex and intricate spread, if I put my mind to it.

As for what I have learned in general, I feel as though this project, as well as this entire year, has made be a better writer. I have learned many new techniques, as well as the unwritten code that I need to follow when writing articles and essays.
I have learned how to take a personal reflection of my own, and help the reader to become invested in it, and relate to it. I have also learned how to take an article about any certain event or situation, and make sure that I can get my point across in an interesting and professional way. I feel as if my artistic eye has greatly improved, with all the photography and layouts I have needed to work with, and generally my work ethic and the quality of my work is on an upward trend.

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