Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cheap Food

While there are certain facts in this article that scare me and get a bit of a reaction out of me, such as how we are consuming far more food than we are currently creating, I still feel as if I'm really only getting one side of this story. I feel that facts can be skewed any which way, and when only given certain numbers and incidences, it's easy to make anything look bad. While I don't doubt that this article brings up many good points, I would still like to see something a bit less biased, so I can gain a clearer view on things.

The picture that struck me the most was the picture of the woman in Bangladesh harvesting leftover grains. The picture itself wasn't too shocking, but with the backstory, it gave me more insight as to how people in some countries are affected by this situation. Apparently, there was flooding, and a cyclone, which destroyed crops, and increased the number of starving people to 35 million. When I read that, and then see her harvesting the precious few grains she has for food, it makes me sad and a bit angry at the situation.

Response to http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/06/cheap-food/bourne-text

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