Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bonus Blog! Newspaper Project Reflections!

I feel like I contributed my fair share to this project. Looking at just the writing, there were a total of 2 articles that needed to be written, and there were 4 of us. Therefore, each of us needed to write a half an article in order to have an equal amount of work between us. I wrote the first half of the first article. I also split up our debate into 4 parts, and assigned our group members to read and sort through the different parts, so we would all be well educated on our specific section. On top of that, I made the basic layout for our newspaper (background color, picture, title, font, and separating lines). Although virtually none of my exact work made it through to the final product, I still feel as though what I contributed played a major role in the way our project developed, and in turn, affected the final product.

There is one thing about the final product I am not quite satisfied with, though. The layout slightly bothers me. Looking back, I realize I should have made a more specific template, instead of just the bare basics. There are many things about the current template I like, such as how the columns are set up, and how the key quotes are made to be larger and bolded, however, I do not like the font of the title, and I do not like that there are no margins around the pictures. I should have taken that bit of extra time I had while I was in school and applied that to revising and adding to the layout, instead of revising my part of the article (which turned out to be no good anyways).

I believe that during this project, I had a very good time management process. Considering this was a 5 day project which I personally only had 3 days to work on, I feel that I took full advantage of the time I was given. I was constantly making sure my group had equal tasks, and that we were working in order to help one another. I was also working on my own individual tasks, which consisted of creating my half of the article, revising my group members' articles, and creating the basic template. Another resource I had, but didn't use, was research. I didn't look at any books, or check out any online sources besides the official debate. Although I feel the subjects of our articles were good, there is a chance that additional research may have helped to improve those articles.

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