Tuesday, September 16, 2008

5: Lehman Bros - Rescue or Leave to Drown?

Lehman Bros Files For Bankruptcy
(No Visible Author)
BBC News

After Lehman Bros., a very large and well known bank, lost a large amount of money, the question was raised, and is still being asked; what should the federal government do?

The Anti Federalists would argue that the government should not be allo
wed to step in - that these banks should fend for themselves. All those who work at, have stocks invested in, or own the company would simply be at the mercy of however the stocks go. This would probably be because they would not want the government to have the power to simply change such large scale things as this at will, but also to save a lot of money. A federalist, on the other hand, would argue just the opposite. They would say that the government should be given the authority to step in and spend whatever sum of money they so choose in order to keep the company from going under.

I personally believe a little bit of both. The federal government SHOULD step in - but they should only do so much. I suppose this means I have a federalist standpoint, because what I'm suggesting would still require that the federal government have full power. They should give the bank a temporary loan - one that would be enough to keep them running for another few months, so that the workers would have a chance to find new work, or get absorbed into another company. The stockholders and company owners however, should pay their debt.

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