Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Internship

What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?
I hope to learn about how to meet deadlines, as well as professional standards for videos in the adult world. So far, from my video-making experience in school, I feel that the deadlines and standards have been relatively lenient, and if I ever hope to work in this field, I need to hold myself to a higher standard. The only time when I feel I came close to having a video critiqued at a professional level, and felt like I was on a real world deadline with consequences for not finishing, was in the video I made for exhibition this past semester, about the water quality at the beach. It was a bit of an adjustment for me to be held to such standards, but now that I have gotten more used to the idea, I would like to raise the bar a bit more for my internship.

What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

I hope to learn whether or not I can succeed in the video-making world, and whether or not it is the path I actually want to take. I want to know that I can survive the pressure of having so much responsibility, and having only a short amount of time to pull it off. I have never found that I have a high tolerance for stress, so I want to discover whether or not I actually hold up while stressed, and see what kind of work I produce then. This is a real opportunity for me to gain skills and learn things about myself which I have not been able to before.

What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?
My main goal is to FINISH THE DOCUMENTARY, but I also hope to learn about the controversial subjects which JITLI revolves around, and further develop my opinion on the issue, as well as what I feel would be the best solution. During the time I am making the documentary, I also want to do continual research on current events, as well as the history of Israel (and the entire middle east), and I want to learn more about the Muslim religion and the role it plays in this conflict.

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