Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Learnin' From Immersion

During my internship immersion, I learned how to edit a complete documentary without going entirely out of my mind. I literally did about 80 hours of work, over the course of these two weeks. The way I was able to pull this off was by sitting myself down in an empty room, with nothing but the editing equipment in front of me, and starting to work. Every day, I set goals for myself, based off of what I knew my capabilities and disabilities were. I started off thinking I could get 8 minutes of video done per day, then I realized that was too much, so I adapted. I made my goal to get 6 minutes of video done per day. Two before lunch, 2 after lunch, and 2 when I got home. This, as well as other small methods I picked up reduced stress and increased productivity. What I can try to do is take these tactics, and apply them to the work I do in school. Then, I can be less stressed out throughout the school day, and increase the quality of my work.

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