Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Results/Water Project Product

I feel incredibly happy about the results of the election. I feel, and always have felt, that Barack Obama is the best candidate to be our president, and is the best person to pull us out of this economic crisis, and help resolve our global conflicts. My main hope is that Barack Obama follows through with his promise for change, and implements the policies and plans that he laid out to the American public, since skeptics of his campaign (who fairly critiqued what he had to say) have called his claims and aspirations "wishful." My main concern is for Barack Obama's life, because although our nation has come a long way from slavery and segregation, there is still racism left in America, and organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan pose a major threat to the man who has now become our 44th president.

I believe is is safe to say I have a decent amount of civic knowledge. I know much about our constitution, the declaration of independence, how the judicial and executive branches work, and how the electoral college works. I have learned the majority of these things this year, and I believe the main part of what helped me to learn these subjects was blogging. Researching, analyzing, and writing about these different national and global issues has really made me commit many new important things to memory, as well as think about why they are to important, and how they affect me. I can improve on this by continuing to blog, and refining my writing and research skills, as well as learning many new subjects I still have yet to.

I feel quite pleased and displeased about conversations I have had outside of class. I am pleased with the people who actually bother to use more than one of their brain cells when making political decisions, no matter what side of the ballot they are on. The people I dislike are the people who are easily influenced and hasty in their decisions. An example of this is when I went to Florida, and was talking to a family friend at dinner, who told me that Barack Obama could not be trusted because "No one knows the first thing about him..." and because "he's a Muslim..." and apparently, all Muslims "want to behead you!"

For my water project, I will personally need the following resources - all of which I already have.
-Computer (for research)
-Editing program (for creating my video)
-Camera (for shooting my video)

To my knowledge, I will only need the people in my group, but if they so decide that they need interviewees, I could find a way to incorporate them into my video
-Vanessa (for primary research)
-Stephanie (to compile the data from the water tests into beach report cards - this will be needed for the video)
-Nyachare (to assist with compilation of data into a coherent article - my video will be complimentary to her article, so we need to be on the same page)

Friday - Do preliminary research in class along with the rest of the group (maybe process water results if we are able to)
Saturday - Saturday morning cartoons, then some research, and if I am able, start the outline of a video script
Sunday - Start in with writing my video script. Stay in contact with group members for updates on information
Monday - Continue scripting - MAKE SURE I KNOW WHAT TO SHOOT
Tuesday - Go with group to beach locations and shoot the footage I need - we will then collect the data we need
Wednesday - Continue scripting what's left of the video - leave room for facts and numbers we probably won't have yet
Thursday - Edit video together - make changes according to what data and group research suggests
Friday - Continue editing
Saturday - Record audio for narrative I will have in the video
Sunday - Edit narrative in
Monday - Continue editing - try to be done or close to done by today
Tuesday - I should be putting the finishing touches on the video now
Wednesday - Put together a group website. Nothing huge - just an online compilation of our data. Assist group if they need help with something.
Thursday - Continue creating site and helping group
Friday - Have video, and website completed by today.

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