Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Products For H20 Project

Product #1 - Video (I am 99% sure this will be my product)
-Narrative: This will help to get the message of the video across, and possibly point out facts that wouldn't be apparent from simple visuals
-Video: I will probably take footage of the beaches, and of us collecting samples, as well as footage of the sewage water running out into the ocean. This will help to increase the impact of whatever the narrative is saying (and give the viewer something to look at).
-Pictures: I will probably incorporate a photography/factual element into the video, which will involve pictures. The photography would mainly be to please the eye, and the factual pictures (such as forms relating to closure of beaches) would be for educational purposes

I intend to make a video incorporating all of these things, and I will probably make a checklist for all elements of the video, which will be similar to the above list

Product #2 - Article (I am 1% sure this will be my product)
-Writing: This will be mostly what the article consists of, so I need to spend the bulk of my time making sure I have a good written piece
-Research: I will need to make sure I have a good amount amount of statistics and data, and sources I can cite, all of which comes from research
-Pictures: I would probably want my article to have a nice visual element, so that the reader doesn't get intimidated by a clump of text, so I might throw a well photographed relevant picture or 2 into the mix.

Assuming I end up doing the article, I will probably do what I planned to do for the video, which is turn the above list into a checklist, and make sure that by the time my product is finished, I have all of the above.

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